Formatted Signs

Jun 22, 2023
Formatted Signs

  • On EMC, you can color the text on signs using special codes. This lets you draw attention to specific parts of the sign, or just make it look pretty. The alt-21 symbol § can also be used to add color text to written books.

    To use a color code, type it before the text you want to appear on the sign - for example, §6Empire §bMC would show up as EmpireMC on the sign (nb. to use the alt-21 symbol §, it must be pasted from your clipboard), or by using the /editsign command by looking at a placed sign with your cursor.

    It is possible to use colored text on any sign you create in the Empire. To do so, simply use a color code, for example, blue, and then all the text after that will be that color. The color codes available include those below:

    The "/editsign <line> <message>" command allows any MiniMessage color/format <tags> shown in the above screenshot.

    example 1: /editsign 1 <aqua>Blue or /editsign 1 <#55FFFF>Blue
    would create the blue text on the first line on sign above.

    example 2: /editsign 3 <red>Red or /editsign 3 <#FF5555>Red
    would create the red text on the 3rd line on sign above.

    /colors - Shows you a list of color codes

    Formatting codes are used in the same way as color codes.

    l - Bold <b>
    m - Striked <st>
    n - Underlined <u>
    o - Italic <i>
    k - Random text - as shown on the credits after you leave the End. <obf>
    r - Default back to normal text <reset>

    for example: /editsign 1 <b>Text
    would create the word Text in bold on the first line of a sign.

    or example: /editsign 1 <b><green>Text
    would create the word Text in bold and green on the first line.

    Color and formatting codes do not work in the Chat. However, Gold and Diamond supporters can use them to set Residence Enter and Leave messages, as well as away messages and Do Not Disturb messages.

    EMC has many features to take advantage of that revolve around certain aspects of multiplayer Minecraft.